Text-Only Instructions copyright 2025 by Lindy van der Merwe
Credits and Resources:
This is a traditional model, probably originating from Europe. It means “small bird” in Spanish.
Many people recognize this little bird as a symbol of paper folding. In fact, the Spanish Paperfolding Association (AEP) uses the origami pajarita as their logo.
It is known by different names, including "paper cocotte" in French, "pajarita" in Spanish and some know it as the bird featured on PS4'S "Heavy Rain".
For visual instructions, go to
Text-only instructions by Michel Lucas are also available from the Aveuglami site in English or French.
There are various ways to construct the Windmill Base and to form the pajarita, of which only one way is shown in the tutorial below.
Slight adaptations were made so as to make the instructions easier to follow and the model easier to fold without sight.
Paper to be used: Square, any size; use large paper to practice with at first.
Thin origami paper that is a different color or pattern on each side is recommended for this project.
If duo paper is used, the head of the pajarita will be a different color from the body.
Folding level: Easy/Beginner
Steps: 23
Description: This is a stylized or minimalistic representation of a simple bird, viewed from the side. The three main parts of the bird include the two legs, the head and the body.
The long legs have led to some likening the figure to a hobby horse.
As mentioned, the model is folded from the Windmill Base, starting with precreases and a double Blintz Fold.
Part 1 - Precreases
Precreases are very important for this model to turn out well, so make them as strong and accurate as possible.
NOTE: This model starts from the blintz base. If you are able to achieve this without instructions, fold the Blintz Base twice, then go to Step 6.
You can also learn about the Blintz and other origami bases at the following link:
Step 1
Place a square down with its edges to the left and right, top and bottom.
Step 2
Fold the left edge over to meet the right edge. Crease and unfold.
Step 3
Fold the top edge down to meet the bottom edge. Crease and unfold.
Step 4
Make the blintz fold by using the method you prefer to fold all four corners in to meet at the center of the square.
When pressed flat, you should end up with a smaller square-shaped model divided into 4 triangles.
Make sure that, as far as possible, all outside corners are folded neatly at a 90 degree angle and that the crease lines all lie straight and meet precisely in the center of the square.
Step 5
Repeat the Blintz Base with the folded square by folding in half horizontally and vertically and then folding the four corners to meet the center again.
Step 6
Unfold the previous step. You will be left with a square made up of four single-layered triangular flaps.
Step 7
Refold the square in half from left to right and from top to bottom, opening each time.
Step 8
Fold the square in half diagonally, both ways, opening it out each time.
Step 9
Open the square all the way and place it so one of the edges is nearest you.
Your square will have various vertical, horizontal and diagonal fold lines, which you will use shortly.
Part 2 - Creating a Windmill
Step 10
Fold the left and right edges along the existing creases to meet in the center. Crease and leave folded.
You will have a long, rectangular shape, resembling a tall cupboard with its doors closed.
Step 11
11.1 Now fold the bottom edge upwards along the existing crease to meet at the horizontal center. Crease and leave folded.
11.2 To make a squash fold on the left, lift up the flap you have just created and hold it steady with the fingers of your right hand.
11.3 With your left hand, reach behind the front layer of the part you are holding up.
11.4 Use the diagonal prefolded creases as a guide and pull the paper outwards to the left to form a triangular flap on the left side.
Crease well and press the triangle flat.
11.5 Repeat the previous three steps in the opposite direction on the right side, creating a shape resembling a canoe.
Press flat.
Step 12
Rotate the model around 180 degrees so that the canoe is now hanging upside-down.
Step 13
Repeat Step 11 to create another canoe shape at the bottom of the model.
Result: You will now have a 6-sided shape comprising 4 squares at the center and 4 triangles on the sides.
Step 14
Create the arms of your windmill by first folding the top right point of the model upwards and away from you and then fold the bottom left point of the model down, towards you and press flat.
You will not actually make new folds here. Rather you will use the prefolded diagonal creases to shift the flaps of the figure. In other words, you have to pry open the triangles just slightly, gently lift the paper and push it a little sideways and up or down.
The diagonals you made previously will help you here and two arms of the windmill/pinwheel will result.
The other two arms will already be in place.
Part 3 - Final Folds to Create the Pajarita
Even though we have folded the Windmill Base, or an actual windmill, for that matter, this shape will need to be opened and changed into a three-dimensional structure, and then collapsed again in order to form the final flat shape of the pajarita.
All the precreases made in Part 1 will help us here.
Step 15
Place the model on the table and gently open it from its center so that the sides become upright. It should look like a square box or bowl with the arms of the windmill now looking like elongated corners that seem to bend in different directions.
You will notice that the bends are caused by the arms having various small diagonal folds, giving a kind of frilly effect to the corners of the square.
Step 16
Choose one of the bendy corners of the box and rotate it so it is nearest you.
Step 17
Starting from the center of the square, trace a finger in a straight line towards the corner you have identified, pressing the paper flat in the process.
You are wanting to locate the long crease that is nearest the center of the square, which will be running from left to right in front of you.
This is the same line you folded when you created the first Blintz Base.
Step 18
Using the crease you have located, fold the corner of the square, nearest you, under, using a mountain fold. Make only a light crease along the edge nearest you.
The point you have folded under will become the future head of the pajarita. It will be formed with an outside reverse fold. For this to work, the point will have to fold in half to form the beak and it will lift upwards as you perform the next steps.
For now, you can simply leave the edge straight, with the corner folded away underneath the model.
Step 19
The following steps will be done while holding the model in the air.
The model should still be held in the diamond formation with the mountain-folded edge nearest you.
Next, pinch and hold the left and right bendy corners of the square between the fingers of both hands and then bring your hands down and towards each other, until the model is folded in half.
Do not press the legs flat yet. Just hold them lightly together at the bottom with one hand.
With the other hand, check the top fold of the pajarita. It should have formed a center mountain fold with the head still nearest you.
Step 20
The flaps that you are holding between your fingers are the legs of the pajarita.
They should be like two boat shapes with their bottoms touching.
To complete the legs, simply press the leg flaps away from you so that they lie flat against the body of the little bird.
Step 21
Now, make sure the body and tail have been formed furthest away from you.
As you formed the legs, the point of the model furthest away from you should also have collapsed into a boat shape with its open side facing the ceiling.
Step 22
Lastly, the head will have formed nearest you. You will recognize it as the triangular flap that you folded under earlier, in Step 18.
The outside reverse fold will have happened when you brought down the leg folds. It will be recognizable as a triangle with a moveable flap on each side of the head. If it feels floppy, you need to pinch and reinforce the sides of the head so the beak will point straight towards you.
You should now be holding up a flat, two-dimensional figure.
Step 23
Now, lay the pajarita on the table, turning it so that the tail is on the left, the two legs will be at the bottom and the head will be on the right.
If you look inside the boat shape, representing the body, you will find the neck of the pajarita that will slant slightly to the right and upwards.
In this flat orientation, we have a side view of the finished model.
You can also let your pajarita stand up on a flat surface by opening the legs of the finished model.
Considering the final shape of the pajarita, it may be understandable why it has sometimes also been called a Hobby Horse. Various folds may be added to make the figure more recognizable as a bird, but the traditional way of folding and the stylized look of the pajarita has been unchanged for centuries.
If you are not sure if your model has collapsed or formed in the proper way, it may be a good idea to let someone help you compare your finished model with a visual representation.
It might take some practice to make the model collapse along the correct folds, so try again if you are not happy with your first attempt.
It is definitely worth it to feel the pajarita form as you perform the final collapse or transformation.
Making origami accessible through text instructions.
For non-commercial use only.
Compiled by Lindy van der Merwe, February 2025
This text copyright 2025 by accessorigami.com
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