Text-Only Instructions - Copyright 2024 by Alysha Hiller, USA
Designer/Creator: Unknown/Traditional
Folding Level: Easy/Beginner
For any questions, comments or suggestions, email accessorigami@gmail.com
Paper to be used: Square, any size; use large paper to practice with at first.
Steps: 7
Description and more information: This is a very pretty open dish with 4 "legs" at the sides and 4 triangular-shaped corners with a decorative pleated detail at each corner.
Text-only instructions are also available at the following link:
and from the following two sources:
origamiforblinde.dk - by Hans Dybkjær,

aveuglami.fr - by Michel Lucas 
NOTE:  This model starts from the blintz base. If you are able to achieve this without instructions, fold the blintz base once, turn the model over and repeat the blintz fold with the new, smaller square; then go to Step 3.
You can also learn about the Blintz and other origami bases at the following link:
Most-Used Origami Folds and Bases 

Step 1
Fold all four corners of the paper to the center using the method you prefer.
Step 2
Turn the paper over and fold all the corners to the center again.
Step 3
For each of these folded corners, valley fold the point, now at the center of the model, back outward so it meets the outer edge of the model at the center. The center of each edge will be marked by a slit where two raw edges of paper meet.
Step 4
Flip the model over. Fold the center points outward on this side as far as they can go so they meet the outer corners of the model.
Step 5
With the model oriented like a diamond shape with its corners pointed up, down, left, and right, We will now work with the triangular flap that points downward. This flap consists of only one layer of paper. Valley fold this flap back up toward, but not quite meeting, the center. Next, fold it down again toward the bottom point and line your crease up with the horizontal fold you will find that touches the corners of the adjacent flaps. We are creating a pleat or fan fold. Continue folding the flap back and forth, creating small pleats, until you reach the tip.
Step 6
Repeat with the other three triangular flaps. The model, if still oriented as a diamond, should contain a square shape inside it. This square will have corners at the center of each of the diamond’s sides and sides that are defined by the pleated flaps. The pleats create short, roughly triangular shaped flaps that extend up off the work surface.
Step 7
Next, we will form the box shape. There is a triangular pocket beneath each of the pleated flaps extending to the outer corner of the model. Use your fingers to open these pockets, lifting up the center  of the top layer and bringing together their outer edges so they fold in half vertically rather than lying flat on the work surface. At the same time, allow the edges of the box to raise up.

The final product will be a square box. At the base of the box, four triangles will extend from each side, lying flat on the work surface. At each corner of the box, a triangular portion will extend out from the corner. At the top of each corner, your pleated flaps will form an almost rounded decorative edge.
Making origami accessible through text-only instructions.
for non-commercial use only.
Compiled by Alysha Hiller, September 2024
This text copyright 2024 by accessorigami.com
