The image shows the completed Rapid Wreath.
It is folded from yellow paper and presented on a colorful background.
Credits and Resources:
Designer/Creator: Madhura Gupta
Instagram: @tin@tinnifoldsnifolds -
Text-Only Instructions: Nishi Sakpal, Mumbai, India
With thankful acknowledgement to Madhura Gupta for teaching this model - January 2024
Folder: Nishi Sakpal
For any questions, comments or suggestions, email
Description and more information:
This is the Rapid Wreath designed by Madhura Gupta.
This wreath is folded and assembled by joining 8 units folded from 4 right angle triangles which are obtained from 2 squares folded into diagonals, and then by cutting along the creases.
The outline of the model has a fairly round appearance, but is actually in the shape of an octagon. The opening at the center of the wreath is also eight-sided. The surface of the model is beautifully textured, with long, folded bands that crisscross as they are assembled at cymmetrical angles. The back side of the wreath is quite smooth with a kind of wavy pattern, featuring small triangles that seem to point in opposite directions.
This wreath won the 2nd place in the category for "Folding Process (Abstract) of the Joisel Awards 2023.
This is a beautiful model to display or use as an ornament for any festive occasion.
Please note that there are two different ways to choose from for the folding and assembly of this wreath.
Method 1 (original) - In this method the folding and assembly is done simultaneously. This is achieved by making just one fold for each module. The rest of the folds are actually part of the assembly.
For this technique, you will have to do multiple folds while you are constructing the circular wreath.
If you find this method challenging, you can try the second technique.
Method 2 (alternative) - This method may be slightly easier. It involves the more traditional way of first folding all the units and then assembling them into the wreath.
For convenience, I will be dividing this tutorial into the following parts.
(a) How to make the triangles;
(b) - Folding the units;
(c) - Method 1;
(d) - Method 2.
(a) - Making the triangles
Step 1
Place a square on a hard surface in the diamond orientation with its points on the top, bottom, left and right.
Step 2
Make a diagonal fold by bringing the bottom point to the top point.
Crease well.
Now you will have a triangle with two loose points at the top and the folded horizontal edge at the bottom.
Step 3
Without disturbing the orientation of the triangle, bring the left point to meet the right point and make a strong fold and unfold.
You will feel a vertical crease line running along the center of this triangle.
Step 4
Gently cut/tear the triangle along this vertical crease from bottom to top.
You can cut the triangles in whichever way you prefer.
A pair of scissors or a paper cutting knife can be used.
If you are used to it, you can tear paper very well with your fingers.
For this, your creases have to be very strong and accurate.
Once you have finish cutting or tearing the triangle along the center, you will have two two-layered triangles.
Step 5
Now, take one triangle and open it like a book.
Orient it so the point of the triangle is facing away from you, and the horizontal edge is nearest you.
You will feel a vertical crease line running along the center of this triangle.
As before, cut or tear this triangle along the center crease.
Your triangle will now be divided into two single-layered triangles.
Step 6
Repeat this process with the other two-layered triangle and you should have four triangles ready.
Step 7
Take another square and prepare four more triangles so that you have eight in total.
(b) - Folding the units
Before starting Method 1 or 2, you will make one initial fold for all units.
So, make 8 units according to the three steps that follow; then choose either Method 1 or 2 below.
Step 1
Place a triangle on a hard surface with its point facing away from you and the long edge nearest you.
Step 2
Grasp the right point of the triangle and fold it upwards to meet the top point of the triangle.
Make a strong crease and leave folded.
Your unit is ready.
Step 3
Fold 7 more similar units.
(c) Method 1
Step 1
First, turn all eight units so their folded edges are at the top.
You should have a four-sided shape. On the left will be a two-layered triangle with a longer, flatter one-layered triangle on the right.
Note that each new unit will be added from the right.
Step 2
To join your first two units:
2.1 Hold unit 1 flat on the table while taking unit 2 in your right hand, lifting its flap just a little.
2.2 Now, slide unit 2 from the right so it fits over the long, raw edge of unit 1.
2.3 Unit 2 will be stopped by the flap of unit 1.
Step 3
Next, you are going to make a fold that will strengthen the join of the two units.
This fold will be performed on unit 1, using unit 2 as a guide.
So, to make this fold, lift up the point of the flap of unit 1 on the far left.
Once this flap is lifted, you can look at the folds underneath.
The triangle on the surface of the model on the right belongs to unit 2 while the larger shape underneath the triangle belongs to unit 1.
We would like to take the entire straight bottom edge of unit 1 and fold it away from us to create a long, slender band.
We will use the bottom of the triangle of unit 2 as a guide and a stopper for this fold.
So, holding the assembly flat on the left, use your right hand to start folding the long bottom edge of unit 1 away from you.
Make a strong crease.
Make sure that the two units stay in position while doing this fold. If they move, your fold will not be accurate and you might have trouble with assembly as you proceed with more units.
Once your fold is complete, you will have the long, skinny band running from left to right in front of you.
Note the band has a sharp triangular point on the right. We will use this tiny point or hook in the last step of our assembly.
Step 4
Return the large flap of unit 1 so it is pointing towards you. You will notice that the point is quite long, stretching past the folded band on the left.
Step 5
Lastly, find the tiny hook at the far right of your folded band.
Fold it over, using a mountain fold away from you.
It will fold over and hook around the side of the model.
Make a strong crease and leave it as is for the moment.
Your first two units have now been joined.
Step 6
Continue by repeating Steps 1 to 5 above.
Each time you will be rotating your wreath slightly to the left and adding a folded unit by sliding it from the right.
Once it is slid in place, lift up the flap on the left and make the fold to create the long, skinny band.
Then return the flap on the left and fold over the tiny hook twards the back of the wreath.
Try to fold the bands as accurately as possible. Things will seem to get crowded as the units start to overlap.
Step 7
After placing unit 8, bring the large flap of unit 1 so it lies on top of unit 8; then fold the last band of the wreath against the flap of unit 1.
Step 8
Flip the entire wreath to the other side so you can work on the back.
You will notice that the tiny hooks you had folded over previously are now visible on this side of the wreath.
Next to each little triangle, you will find a long diagonal line, which will also now form a pocket for each little hook.
The tiny points of some hooks may already have slipped into place as you did your assembly.
For those that are not tucked in, gently bend them so they slip under the folds just next to them.
Press these hooks as far as possible to the right since their points will hold the units of your wreath securely in place.
Step 9
Flip the model back to its front side.
If all went well, you will now have completed the Rapid Wreath.
(d) Method 2
Step 1
First, turn all units so their folded edges are at the top.
You should have a four-sided shape. On the left will be a two-layered triangle with a longer, flatter one-layered triangle on the right.
Step 2
For this method, you will now use one of your units as a guide to fold the rest.
Only once all eight units have been folded, will you do the assembly.
Step 3
To fold your first unit, do the following:
3.1 Place your first unit flat on the table with its closed edge at the top.
Notice your unit will have a long, sloping edge on the right.
3.2 Take unit 2 and open its flap just slightly; then slide it from the right so it fits over the long, raw, sloping edge of unit 1.
3.3 Unit 2 will be stopped by the flap of unit 1.
Step 4
Next, lift up the point of the flap of unit 1 on the far left.
Once this flap is lifted, you can look at the folds underneath.
The triangle on the surface of the model on the right belongs to unit 2 while the larger shape underneath the triangle belongs to unit 1.
We would like to take the entire straight bottom edge of unit 1 and fold it away from us to create a long, slender band.
We will use the bottom of the triangle of unit 2 as a stopper for this fold.
So, holding the assembly flat on the left, use your right hand to start folding the long bottom edge of unit 1 away from you.
Make a strong crease.
Make sure that the two units stay in position while doing this fold. If they move, your fold will not be accurate.
Once your fold is complete, you will have the long, skinny band running from left to right in front of you.
Note the band has a sharp triangular point on the right. We will use this tiny point or hook in the last step of our assembly.
Step 5
So, find the tiny hook at the far right of your folded band.
Fold it over, using a mountain fold away from you as far as it will go.
It will fold over and hook around the side of the model.
Make a strong crease and leave it as is for the moment.
Step 6
Remove unit 2 and set unit 1 under a heavy object to flatten out the folds while you make more units.
Step 7
Use unit 2 as your guide to fold 6 more similar units.
You can measure each unit against the previous one for extra accuracy.
Step 8
To fold unit 2, place it flat on the table as you did with all the other units.
Then take any of your already folded units and slide it over the right edge of unit 2.
Fold the edge of unit 2 up and fold its tiny point on the right away from you, exactly as you did before.
All eight units are now ready for assembly of the wreath.
Step 9
To start the assembly, first, turn all units once again so their large triangular flaps are at the top.
You should have a four-sided shape. On the left will be a two-layered triangle with a longer, flatter one-layered triangle on the right.
Note that each new unit will be added from the right.
Step 10
To join your first two units:
10.1 First make sure unit 1 is placed correctly as mentioned above:
the large triangular flap of the unit is at the top left while the raw edge with the sloping side should be on the right.
The long, skinny band should be nearest you. Make sure it is folded over away from you.
You can unfold the tiny hook at the far right of the band for now.
10.2 Hold unit 1 flat on the table while taking unit 2 in your right hand, lifting its flap just a little.
10.3 Now, slide unit 2 from the right so it fits over the long, raw edge of unit 1 but on the inside of the horizontal band you have created.
10.4 Unit 2 will be stopped by the flap of unit 1.
Put in another way, the sloping edge and the bottom band will form a kind of slot for each new unit to slide into
Step 11
Return the large flap of unit 1 so it is pointing towards you. You will notice that the point is quite long, stretching past the folded band on the left.
Step 12
Lastly, find the tiny hook at the far right of your folded band.
Fold it over, using a mountain fold away from you.
It will fold over the side of the model.
Make a strong crease and leave it as is for the moment.
Your first two units have now been joined.
Step 13
Continue by repeating Steps 10 to 12 above.
Each time you will be rotating your wreath slightly to the left and adding a folded unit by sliding it from the right.
Lift up the left flap of each unit slightly as you add your new unit.
*Step 14
To complete the circular shape, lift the large flap of unit 1 so it will be able to slide into the slot on top of unit 8.
Step 15
Flip the entire wreath to the other side so you can work on the back.
You will notice that the tiny hooks you had folded over previously are now visible on this side of the wreath.
Next to each little triangle, you will find a long diagonal line, which will also now form a pocket for each little hook.
The tiny points of some hooks may already have slipped into place as you did your assembly.
For those that are not tucked in, gently bend them so they slip under the folds just next to them.
Press these hooks as far as possible to the right since their points will hold the units of your wreath securely in place.
Step 16
Flip the model back to its front side.
If all went well, you will now have completed the Rapid Wreath.
Making origami accessible to visually impaired people through text-only instructions.
for non-commercial use only.
Compiled by Nishi Sakpal and Lindy van der Merwe, January 2024
This text copyright by 2024
Alt tag: THE RAPID WREATHIt is folded from yellow paper and presented on a colorful background.
Credits and Resources:
Designer/Creator: Madhura Gupta
Instagram: @tin@tinnifoldsnifolds -
Text-Only Instructions: Nishi Sakpal, Mumbai, India
With thankful acknowledgement to Madhura Gupta for teaching this model - January 2024
Folder: Nishi Sakpal
For any questions, comments or suggestions, email
Description and more information:
This is the Rapid Wreath designed by Madhura Gupta.
This wreath is folded and assembled by joining 8 units folded from 4 right angle triangles which are obtained from 2 squares folded into diagonals, and then by cutting along the creases.
The outline of the model has a fairly round appearance, but is actually in the shape of an octagon. The opening at the center of the wreath is also eight-sided. The surface of the model is beautifully textured, with long, folded bands that crisscross as they are assembled at cymmetrical angles. The back side of the wreath is quite smooth with a kind of wavy pattern, featuring small triangles that seem to point in opposite directions.
This wreath won the 2nd place in the category for "Folding Process (Abstract) of the Joisel Awards 2023.
This is a beautiful model to display or use as an ornament for any festive occasion.
Please note that there are two different ways to choose from for the folding and assembly of this wreath.
Method 1 (original) - In this method the folding and assembly is done simultaneously. This is achieved by making just one fold for each module. The rest of the folds are actually part of the assembly.
For this technique, you will have to do multiple folds while you are constructing the circular wreath.
If you find this method challenging, you can try the second technique.
Method 2 (alternative) - This method may be slightly easier. It involves the more traditional way of first folding all the units and then assembling them into the wreath.
For convenience, I will be dividing this tutorial into the following parts.
(a) How to make the triangles;
(b) - Folding the units;
(c) - Method 1;
(d) - Method 2.
(a) - Making the triangles
Step 1
Place a square on a hard surface in the diamond orientation with its points on the top, bottom, left and right.
Step 2
Make a diagonal fold by bringing the bottom point to the top point.
Crease well.
Now you will have a triangle with two loose points at the top and the folded horizontal edge at the bottom.
Step 3
Without disturbing the orientation of the triangle, bring the left point to meet the right point and make a strong fold and unfold.
You will feel a vertical crease line running along the center of this triangle.
Step 4
Gently cut/tear the triangle along this vertical crease from bottom to top.
You can cut the triangles in whichever way you prefer.
A pair of scissors or a paper cutting knife can be used.
If you are used to it, you can tear paper very well with your fingers.
For this, your creases have to be very strong and accurate.
Once you have finish cutting or tearing the triangle along the center, you will have two two-layered triangles.
Step 5
Now, take one triangle and open it like a book.
Orient it so the point of the triangle is facing away from you, and the horizontal edge is nearest you.
You will feel a vertical crease line running along the center of this triangle.
As before, cut or tear this triangle along the center crease.
Your triangle will now be divided into two single-layered triangles.
Step 6
Repeat this process with the other two-layered triangle and you should have four triangles ready.
Step 7
Take another square and prepare four more triangles so that you have eight in total.
(b) - Folding the units
Before starting Method 1 or 2, you will make one initial fold for all units.
So, make 8 units according to the three steps that follow; then choose either Method 1 or 2 below.
Step 1
Place a triangle on a hard surface with its point facing away from you and the long edge nearest you.
Step 2
Grasp the right point of the triangle and fold it upwards to meet the top point of the triangle.
Make a strong crease and leave folded.
Your unit is ready.
Step 3
Fold 7 more similar units.
(c) Method 1
Step 1
First, turn all eight units so their folded edges are at the top.
You should have a four-sided shape. On the left will be a two-layered triangle with a longer, flatter one-layered triangle on the right.
Note that each new unit will be added from the right.
Step 2
To join your first two units:
2.1 Hold unit 1 flat on the table while taking unit 2 in your right hand, lifting its flap just a little.
2.2 Now, slide unit 2 from the right so it fits over the long, raw edge of unit 1.
2.3 Unit 2 will be stopped by the flap of unit 1.
Step 3
Next, you are going to make a fold that will strengthen the join of the two units.
This fold will be performed on unit 1, using unit 2 as a guide.
So, to make this fold, lift up the point of the flap of unit 1 on the far left.
Once this flap is lifted, you can look at the folds underneath.
The triangle on the surface of the model on the right belongs to unit 2 while the larger shape underneath the triangle belongs to unit 1.
We would like to take the entire straight bottom edge of unit 1 and fold it away from us to create a long, slender band.
We will use the bottom of the triangle of unit 2 as a guide and a stopper for this fold.
So, holding the assembly flat on the left, use your right hand to start folding the long bottom edge of unit 1 away from you.
Make a strong crease.
Make sure that the two units stay in position while doing this fold. If they move, your fold will not be accurate and you might have trouble with assembly as you proceed with more units.
Once your fold is complete, you will have the long, skinny band running from left to right in front of you.
Note the band has a sharp triangular point on the right. We will use this tiny point or hook in the last step of our assembly.
Step 4
Return the large flap of unit 1 so it is pointing towards you. You will notice that the point is quite long, stretching past the folded band on the left.
Step 5
Lastly, find the tiny hook at the far right of your folded band.
Fold it over, using a mountain fold away from you.
It will fold over and hook around the side of the model.
Make a strong crease and leave it as is for the moment.
Your first two units have now been joined.
Step 6
Continue by repeating Steps 1 to 5 above.
Each time you will be rotating your wreath slightly to the left and adding a folded unit by sliding it from the right.
Once it is slid in place, lift up the flap on the left and make the fold to create the long, skinny band.
Then return the flap on the left and fold over the tiny hook twards the back of the wreath.
Try to fold the bands as accurately as possible. Things will seem to get crowded as the units start to overlap.
Step 7
After placing unit 8, bring the large flap of unit 1 so it lies on top of unit 8; then fold the last band of the wreath against the flap of unit 1.
Step 8
Flip the entire wreath to the other side so you can work on the back.
You will notice that the tiny hooks you had folded over previously are now visible on this side of the wreath.
Next to each little triangle, you will find a long diagonal line, which will also now form a pocket for each little hook.
The tiny points of some hooks may already have slipped into place as you did your assembly.
For those that are not tucked in, gently bend them so they slip under the folds just next to them.
Press these hooks as far as possible to the right since their points will hold the units of your wreath securely in place.
Step 9
Flip the model back to its front side.
If all went well, you will now have completed the Rapid Wreath.
(d) Method 2
Step 1
First, turn all units so their folded edges are at the top.
You should have a four-sided shape. On the left will be a two-layered triangle with a longer, flatter one-layered triangle on the right.
Step 2
For this method, you will now use one of your units as a guide to fold the rest.
Only once all eight units have been folded, will you do the assembly.
Step 3
To fold your first unit, do the following:
3.1 Place your first unit flat on the table with its closed edge at the top.
Notice your unit will have a long, sloping edge on the right.
3.2 Take unit 2 and open its flap just slightly; then slide it from the right so it fits over the long, raw, sloping edge of unit 1.
3.3 Unit 2 will be stopped by the flap of unit 1.
Step 4
Next, lift up the point of the flap of unit 1 on the far left.
Once this flap is lifted, you can look at the folds underneath.
The triangle on the surface of the model on the right belongs to unit 2 while the larger shape underneath the triangle belongs to unit 1.
We would like to take the entire straight bottom edge of unit 1 and fold it away from us to create a long, slender band.
We will use the bottom of the triangle of unit 2 as a stopper for this fold.
So, holding the assembly flat on the left, use your right hand to start folding the long bottom edge of unit 1 away from you.
Make a strong crease.
Make sure that the two units stay in position while doing this fold. If they move, your fold will not be accurate.
Once your fold is complete, you will have the long, skinny band running from left to right in front of you.
Note the band has a sharp triangular point on the right. We will use this tiny point or hook in the last step of our assembly.
Step 5
So, find the tiny hook at the far right of your folded band.
Fold it over, using a mountain fold away from you as far as it will go.
It will fold over and hook around the side of the model.
Make a strong crease and leave it as is for the moment.
Step 6
Remove unit 2 and set unit 1 under a heavy object to flatten out the folds while you make more units.
Step 7
Use unit 2 as your guide to fold 6 more similar units.
You can measure each unit against the previous one for extra accuracy.
Step 8
To fold unit 2, place it flat on the table as you did with all the other units.
Then take any of your already folded units and slide it over the right edge of unit 2.
Fold the edge of unit 2 up and fold its tiny point on the right away from you, exactly as you did before.
All eight units are now ready for assembly of the wreath.
Step 9
To start the assembly, first, turn all units once again so their large triangular flaps are at the top.
You should have a four-sided shape. On the left will be a two-layered triangle with a longer, flatter one-layered triangle on the right.
Note that each new unit will be added from the right.
Step 10
To join your first two units:
10.1 First make sure unit 1 is placed correctly as mentioned above:
the large triangular flap of the unit is at the top left while the raw edge with the sloping side should be on the right.
The long, skinny band should be nearest you. Make sure it is folded over away from you.
You can unfold the tiny hook at the far right of the band for now.
10.2 Hold unit 1 flat on the table while taking unit 2 in your right hand, lifting its flap just a little.
10.3 Now, slide unit 2 from the right so it fits over the long, raw edge of unit 1 but on the inside of the horizontal band you have created.
10.4 Unit 2 will be stopped by the flap of unit 1.
Put in another way, the sloping edge and the bottom band will form a kind of slot for each new unit to slide into
Step 11
Return the large flap of unit 1 so it is pointing towards you. You will notice that the point is quite long, stretching past the folded band on the left.
Step 12
Lastly, find the tiny hook at the far right of your folded band.
Fold it over, using a mountain fold away from you.
It will fold over the side of the model.
Make a strong crease and leave it as is for the moment.
Your first two units have now been joined.
Step 13
Continue by repeating Steps 10 to 12 above.
Each time you will be rotating your wreath slightly to the left and adding a folded unit by sliding it from the right.
Lift up the left flap of each unit slightly as you add your new unit.
*Step 14
To complete the circular shape, lift the large flap of unit 1 so it will be able to slide into the slot on top of unit 8.
Step 15
Flip the entire wreath to the other side so you can work on the back.
You will notice that the tiny hooks you had folded over previously are now visible on this side of the wreath.
Next to each little triangle, you will find a long diagonal line, which will also now form a pocket for each little hook.
The tiny points of some hooks may already have slipped into place as you did your assembly.
For those that are not tucked in, gently bend them so they slip under the folds just next to them.
Press these hooks as far as possible to the right since their points will hold the units of your wreath securely in place.
Step 16
Flip the model back to its front side.
If all went well, you will now have completed the Rapid Wreath.
Making origami accessible to visually impaired people through text-only instructions.
for non-commercial use only.
Compiled by Nishi Sakpal and Lindy van der Merwe, January 2024
This text copyright by 2024

The image shows the completed Rapid Wreath.
Credits and Resources:
Designer/Creator: Madhura Gupta
Instagram: @tinnifolds -
Text-Only Instructions: Nishi Sakpal, Mumbai, India
With thankful acknowledgement to Madhura Gupta for teaching this model - January 2024
Folder: Nishi Sakpal
For any questions, comments or suggestions, email
Description and more information:
This is the Rapid Wreath designed by Madhura Gupta.
This wreath is folded and assembled by joining 8 units folded from 4 right angle triangles which are obtained from 2 squares folded into diagonals, and then by cutting along the creases.
The outline of the model has a fairly round appearance, but is actually in the shape of an octagon. The opening at the center of the wreath is also eight-sided. The surface of the model is beautifully textured, with long, folded bands that crisscross as they are assembled at cymmetrical angles. The back side of the wreath is quite smooth with a kind of wavy pattern, featuring small triangles that seem to point in opposite directions.
This wreath won the 2nd place in the category for "Folding Process (Abstract) of the Joisel Awards 2023.
This is a beautiful model to display or use as an ornament for any festive occasion.
Please note that there are two different ways to choose from for the folding and assembly of this wreath.
Method 1 (original) - In this method the folding and assembly is done simultaneously. This is achieved by making just one fold for each module. The rest of the folds are actually part of the assembly.
For this technique, you will have to do multiple folds while you are constructing the circular wreath.
If you find this method challenging, you can try the second technique.
Method 2 (alternative) - This method may be slightly easier. It involves the more traditional way of first folding all the units and then assembling them into the wreath.
For convenience, I will be dividing this tutorial into the following parts.
(a) How to make the triangles;
(b) - Folding the units;
(c) - Method 1;
(d) - Method 2.
(a) - Making the triangles
Step 1
Place a square on a hard surface in the diamond orientation with its points on the top, bottom, left and right.
Step 2
Make a diagonal fold by bringing the bottom point to the top point.
Crease well.
Now you will have a triangle with two loose points at the top and the folded horizontal edge at the bottom.
Step 3
Without disturbing the orientation of the triangle, bring the left point to meet the right point and make a strong fold and unfold.
You will feel a vertical crease line running along the center of this triangle.
Step 4
Gently cut/tear the triangle along this vertical crease from bottom to top.
You can cut the triangles in whichever way you prefer.
A pair of scissors or a paper cutting knife can be used.
If you are used to it, you can tear paper very well with your fingers.
For this, your creases have to be very strong and accurate.
Once you have finish cutting or tearing the triangle along the center, you will have two two-layered triangles.
Step 5
Now, take one triangle and open it like a book.
Orient it so the point of the triangle is facing away from you, and the horizontal edge is nearest you.
You will feel a vertical crease line running along the center of this triangle.
As before, cut or tear this triangle along the center crease.
Your triangle will now be divided into two single-layered triangles.
Step 6
Repeat this process with the other two-layered triangle and you should have four triangles ready.
Step 7
Take another square and prepare four more triangles so that you have eight in total.
(b) - Folding the units
Before starting Method 1 or 2, you will make one initial fold for all units.
So, make 8 units according to the three steps that follow; then choose either Method 1 or 2 below.
Step 1
Place a triangle on a hard surface with its point facing away from you and the long edge nearest you.
Step 2
Grasp the right point of the triangle and fold it upwards to meet the top point of the triangle.
Make a strong crease and leave folded.
Your unit is ready.
Step 3
Fold 7 more similar units.
(c) Method 1
Step 1
First, turn all eight units so their folded edges are at the top.
You should have a four-sided shape. On the left will be a two-layered triangle with a longer, flatter one-layered triangle on the right.
Note that each new unit will be added from the right.
Step 2
To join your first two units:
2.1 Hold unit 1 flat on the table while taking unit 2 in your right hand, lifting its flap just a little.
2.2 Now, slide unit 2 from the right so it fits over the long, raw edge of unit 1.
2.3 Unit 2 will be stopped by the flap of unit 1.
Step 3
Next, you are going to make a fold that will strengthen the join of the two units.
This fold will be performed on unit 1, using unit 2 as a guide.
So, to make this fold, lift up the point of the flap of unit 1 on the far left.
Once this flap is lifted, you can look at the folds underneath.
The triangle on the surface of the model on the right belongs to unit 2 while the larger shape underneath the triangle belongs to unit 1.
We would like to take the entire straight bottom edge of unit 1 and fold it away from us to create a long, slender band.
We will use the bottom of the triangle of unit 2 as a guide and a stopper for this fold.
So, holding the assembly flat on the left, use your right hand to start folding the long bottom edge of unit 1 away from you.
Make a strong crease.
Make sure that the two units stay in position while doing this fold. If they move, your fold will not be accurate and you might have trouble with assembly as you proceed with more units.
Once your fold is complete, you will have the long, skinny band running from left to right in front of you.
Note the band has a sharp triangular point on the right. We will use this tiny point or hook in the last step of our assembly.
Step 4
Return the large flap of unit 1 so it is pointing towards you. You will notice that the point is quite long, stretching past the folded band on the left.
Step 5
Lastly, find the tiny hook at the far right of your folded band.
Fold it over, using a mountain fold away from you.
It will fold over and hook around the side of the model.
Make a strong crease and leave it as is for the moment.
Your first two units have now been joined.
Step 6
Continue by repeating Steps 1 to 5 above.
Each time you will be rotating your wreath slightly to the left and adding a folded unit by sliding it from the right.
Once it is slid in place, lift up the flap on the left and make the fold to create the long, skinny band.
Then return the flap on the left and fold over the tiny hook twards the back of the wreath.
Try to fold the bands as accurately as possible. Things will seem to get crowded as the units start to overlap.
Step 7
After placing unit 8, bring the large flap of unit 1 so it lies on top of unit 8; then fold the last band of the wreath against the flap of unit 1.
Step 8
Flip the entire wreath to the other side so you can work on the back.
You will notice that the tiny hooks you had folded over previously are now visible on this side of the wreath.
Next to each little triangle, you will find a long diagonal line, which will also now form a pocket for each little hook.
The tiny points of some hooks may already have slipped into place as you did your assembly.
For those that are not tucked in, gently bend them so they slip under the folds just next to them.
Press these hooks as far as possible to the right since their points will hold the units of your wreath securely in place.
Step 9
Flip the model back to its front side.
If all went well, you will now have completed the Rapid Wreath.
(d) Method 2
Step 1
First, turn all units so their folded edges are at the top.
You should have a four-sided shape. On the left will be a two-layered triangle with a longer, flatter one-layered triangle on the right.
Step 2
For this method, you will now use one of your units as a guide to fold the rest.
Only once all eight units have been folded, will you do the assembly.
Step 3
To fold your first unit, do the following:
3.1 Place your first unit flat on the table with its closed edge at the top.
Notice your unit will have a long, sloping edge on the right.
3.2 Take unit 2 and open its flap just slightly; then slide it from the right so it fits over the long, raw, sloping edge of unit 1.
3.3 Unit 2 will be stopped by the flap of unit 1.
Step 4
Next, lift up the point of the flap of unit 1 on the far left.
Once this flap is lifted, you can look at the folds underneath.
The triangle on the surface of the model on the right belongs to unit 2 while the larger shape underneath the triangle belongs to unit 1.
We would like to take the entire straight bottom edge of unit 1 and fold it away from us to create a long, slender band.
We will use the bottom of the triangle of unit 2 as a stopper for this fold.
So, holding the assembly flat on the left, use your right hand to start folding the long bottom edge of unit 1 away from you.
Make a strong crease.
Make sure that the two units stay in position while doing this fold. If they move, your fold will not be accurate.
Once your fold is complete, you will have the long, skinny band running from left to right in front of you.
Note the band has a sharp triangular point on the right. We will use this tiny point or hook in the last step of our assembly.
Step 5
So, find the tiny hook at the far right of your folded band.
Fold it over, using a mountain fold away from you as far as it will go.
It will fold over and hook around the side of the model.
Make a strong crease and leave it as is for the moment.
Step 6
Remove unit 2 and set unit 1 under a heavy object to flatten out the folds while you make more units.
Step 7
Use unit 2 as your guide to fold 6 more similar units.
You can measure each unit against the previous one for extra accuracy.
Step 8
To fold unit 2, place it flat on the table as you did with all the other units.
Then take any of your already folded units and slide it over the right edge of unit 2.
Fold the edge of unit 2 up and fold its tiny point on the right away from you, exactly as you did before.
All eight units are now ready for assembly of the wreath.
Step 9
To start the assembly, first, turn all units once again so their large triangular flaps are at the top.
You should have a four-sided shape. On the left will be a two-layered triangle with a longer, flatter one-layered triangle on the right.
Note that each new unit will be added from the right.
Step 10
To join your first two units:
10.1 First make sure unit 1 is placed correctly as mentioned above:
the large triangular flap of the unit is at the top left while the raw edge with the sloping side should be on the right.
The long, skinny band should be nearest you. Make sure it is folded over away from you.
You can unfold the tiny hook at the far right of the band for now.
10.2 Hold unit 1 flat on the table while taking unit 2 in your right hand, lifting its flap just a little.
10.3 Now, slide unit 2 from the right so it fits over the long, raw edge of unit 1 but on the inside of the horizontal band you have created.
10.4 Unit 2 will be stopped by the flap of unit 1.
Put in another way, the sloping edge and the bottom band will form a kind of slot for each new unit to slide into
Step 11
Return the large flap of unit 1 so it is pointing towards you. You will notice that the point is quite long, stretching past the folded band on the left.
Step 12
Lastly, find the tiny hook at the far right of your folded band.
Fold it over, using a mountain fold away from you.
It will fold over the side of the model.
Make a strong crease and leave it as is for the moment.
Your first two units have now been joined.
Step 13
Continue by repeating Steps 10 to 12 above.
Each time you will be rotating your wreath slightly to the left and adding a folded unit by sliding it from the right.
Lift up the left flap of each unit slightly as you add your new unit.
*Step 14
To complete the circular shape, lift the large flap of unit 1 so it will be able to slide into the slot on top of unit 8.
Step 15
Flip the entire wreath to the other side so you can work on the back.
You will notice that the tiny hooks you had folded over previously are now visible on this side of the wreath.
Next to each little triangle, you will find a long diagonal line, which will also now form a pocket for each little hook.
The tiny points of some hooks may already have slipped into place as you did your assembly.
For those that are not tucked in, gently bend them so they slip under the folds just next to them.
Press these hooks as far as possible to the right since their points will hold the units of your wreath securely in place.
Step 16
Flip the model back to its front side.
If all went well, you will now have completed the Rapid Wreath.
Making origami accessible to visually impaired people through text-only instructions.
for non-commercial use only.
Compiled by Nishi Sakpal and Lindy van der Merwe, January 2024
This text copyright by 2024
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